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Lightning Safety

This week is Lightning Safety Awareness Week. Approximately 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning strikes occur in the U.S. each year. People who work outdoors, on or near tall objects, or near conductive materials are at an elevated risk. Here a few steps you can take to protect yourself from lightning while on the job:

• Check the forecast
• Watch for signs of potential strikes
• Follow your company’s safety program
• Assess the threat
• Avoid tall structures
• Avoid conductive materials
• Stay away from explosives

Click here to read the CDC’s lightning and worker safety recommendations: www.cdc.gov/lightning/safety/lightning-and-worker-safety-recommendations.html

#LightningSafetyAwareness #EmergencyPrep #LightningSafetyTips#StormProtocol #LightningEducation #OutdoorRiskManagement#AmericanTrack

lightning safety