24-Hour Emergency Service
(855) 920-8722

Limestone Client


This limestone client contracted with American Track to construct Phase 1 and Phase 2 of their new yard in Arkansas.

Arkansas Lime contracted with American Track performed the following for Phase 1:

  • Construct 3,281 feet of track on steel ties
  • Supply and Install #9 turnout with samson points
  • Re-align 300’ of track
  • 72 new domestic 115# rails
  • 96 pair of 6-hole joint bars with new track bolts and lock washers
  • 1,789 each M-10 steel crossties designed for curves
  • 1 each #9 turnout with a RBM frog and samson points
  • 1 set of steel tie turnout switch ties
  • Install 130 feet of precast concrete crossing panels with 72 each 10’ wood crossties

This project led to future work with Arkansas Lime.

Phase 2

Project samples